Hummingbird Bookkeeping

Here at Hummingbird Bookkeeping, we take pride in offering you professional and reliable bookkeeping and related services that can meet your bookkeeping needs.

What is a hummingbird?

Hummingbird is a very small nectar-sipping New World bird of the family Trochilidae, characterised by the brilliant, iridescent plumage of the male, a slender bill, and narrow wings, the extremely rapid beating of which produces a humming sound: noted for their ability to hover and to fly upward, downward, and backward in a horizontal position.

Why Hummingbird Bookkeeping?

Those little winged wonders flutter their wings at a remarkable 80 times per second! They do NOT flap their wings, they rotate them in a figure 8, which makes it even more remarkable! That also enables them to go BACKWARDS in the air and to hover in ONE SPOT! And in Bookkeeping terms, we may be a small team of bookkeepers, but we are fast, and able to change to suit your needs.

Our largest fee generator is servicing small businesses, mainly franchisees. Reporting to head office, and keeping on top of compliance to Franchisors, Shopping centres, and the tax office, is not an easy task. We keep it simple, so you can focus on running your business. Our engagement process is very basic. Meet with our strategy guy, who will listen to you needs, document it, then devise a tailored bookkeeping solution. From here let our hummingbirds implement it and help you ease the bookkeeping burden, easy as that.

Our Comprehensive Services

We services people from all walks of life including truckies, tradies, finance gurus and restaurant owners

Accounts Receivable

Keep track of who owes you what.

Electronic Lodge on time

We calculate the correct amount and submit electronic lodgement including BAS, IAS and PAYGW.

Bank Reconciliation

Balance your books with the bank’s records.

Accounts Payable

Keep track of what you owe to keep your book managable.


We will implement clearer and accurate invoicing systems for your business to improve cash flow.

Clean Ups

We can review and correct setup issues, streamline your general ledger, and to get your bookkeeping organised.

Balance Sheets

We look after your balance sheets regularly to ensure your business’s finance is healthy.

File Flow System

We can implement a process designed specifically for your business to manage the flow of data and paperwork to maintain financial records.

Our bookkeeping knowledge. Your peace of mind.
Connect with Hummingbird Bookkeeping today!

We are located at Suite 103/12 Ormond Boulevard Bundoora VIC 3083.  

Connect with Hummingbird Bookkeeping today – 03 9044 1949